Hello! *Hands over a cup of tea* Thank you for stopping by my site. This space was made for me to vent, create, share and express thoughts without feeling the social pressure of curating ideas in a limited way. I adore laces, frills, ribbons, and tea parties but do be aware that there are more to me than these interests. My interests are all over the place; I am constantly stimulated with ideas. Neocities just happens to be a perfect place for an indie dork like me to who finds pleasure in html writing.
I had a teacher from eighth grade teacher who was adamant on decorating our notebooks; she even turned that project into our graded assignment. The whole idea is that she wanted us to personalize our things so that it motivates us to write more-- and she was right! I feel that this idea also applies to personalizing your personal site. Webs before 3.0 were super fun and very unlimiting (sometimes cursed) when it comes to design layout.Overall, I made this space as a garden to share my chaotic thoughts and my mental moodboard. CherryCloudChiffon is a small bit of an internet record on my journey to just living life. I'm the kind of person who will tell like it is, just so that I can remind myself the true experiences when I look back to my blog posts. For the most part, it's meant to be a personal space, so be prepared to read things that aren't hunky dory! But also, be prepared for my fun girly-pop posts too! If you're the kind of person who wants a safe space to cry, vent, and find solutions to solving a problem... feel free to follow me. We can pretend to bake cookies together and vent our problems as we figure things out.
I grew up with basic HTML using webmonkey sources during the Geocities/Angelfire days, but I was never super elaborate with my webpage designs. Once in awhile, you'll find me tampering with some layouts when I am up for a coding-research challenge. It's something I whole-heartedly enjoy. CherryCloudChiffon is currently a mess (well, it will always be a mess). Despite the UvU and safe-for-work graphics, the content for this site may not be suitable for minors (you're more than welcome to lurk around, it's just my content won't be anything intersting). I am full-on adult & I will follow back any adult webcreators* on this site. You do not have to share all of my special interests, agree on every petty outlooks, or have similar taste of aesthetics for me to connect. If you're here in good faith, that will be enough for me.
*I will unfollow/block those with hateful remarks. I do not tolerate homophobia, racism, sexism, and xenophobia.
It has been over a year since I changed the About Page; gave it another makeouver. Made a more descriptive writing regardings to my personality and bits of my life.11.18.2024
Made a blog layout for Winter 2024-25. I was inspired by shabby chic bath products & fairy pink winter dreams. This year, I wanted to experiment with the light pink color, which I also associate with winter time.10.16.2024
I've been wanting to create a mini blog for awhile. I named it "I read the news today, oh boy". I think for now, I just want my page layout to be simple.9.29.2024
Made a new layout for my index page.9.10.2024
Here's my new layout for my 2024 Fall blog:7.13.2024
Made a new photo album dedicated to my summer highlights in the past. The layout looks like this on my screen:6.3.2024
Made a new blog format for Summer 2024. I also added some new neigbor buttons ^^. I've been meaning to for the longest time!2.24.2024
Made some new site buttons. Nothing too extravagant and I think I'm content with them. Just recently switched to Firefox bowser and end up formatting to it.2.20.2024
Made a new layout for my blog. I was done with the Christmas theme (which I still have up). I might just fuse this blog page with the Spring months. I finally switched my internet browser to Firefox.1.26.2024
I finished my layout page for my Game Logs. & Added a Windwaker HD log.1.22.2024
I changed my layout! Broke out of Sadgirl's template and made my own layout. Did my own drawing of the girl in holding a parasol (Perona fanart) and found all the PNGs from tumblr12.20.2023
Added a personal recipe page under the hobbies section.
Added a game log page to my blog archives.
I'm ready to move on to the next season...decided to go for the holidays look. Here are my past layouts:9.18.2023
I want to let my last design retire, because I am now feeling for the Spooky season. My format is pretty much the same, just different color palette and graphics. This time, I made my own collage banner and background tile. *Note, I don't own the drawing of the demon lady. All credits to Toei animations for Nico Robin (demon lady from One Piece).
Just recently, I gave my "About" page a makeover. I wanted to do something a bit more dynamic, something that fits my personal style. I spent about a few days formatting the codes. Personally, I'm content with it!
Just added a traditional art page for my art section. They're not anything new, but I'd like to share them here ^^. I also designed a button for my page using Bern's iphone doodle, I think I'm satisified with my graphics.
Hello to June! Just added a blog page for my Summer 2023 entries
I added a digital illustration page for my art section. They're mostly OCs based off of my partner and I & one fanart of a Haunted Mansion ride character.
An "art" page with a baking album has been added. It's a gallery of the foods I baked since the beginning of the pandemic. I don't have any proper recipes of my own to share, but I will link some youtubers and bloggers their recipes.
I recently made a Dreamwidth account. I think I will blog there a lot more often? Especially with my super annoying, stream-of-conscience thoughts will probably be there.
I just added an album to my photos page.