Caramel Delights

Hello! It's me, Harley. Please help yourself to some treats.
bat cookie faviconlollipopghost cookie

betty boop lights jackolanterns


an artful autumn journal of sweet treats & tea

Warning: The fact that I am inconsistent and mentally all over the place means that my journal will also be all over the place. I am just a person with a shitload of hobbies while not being particularly great at most of them. I'm not fond of rage bait posts, however, I'm also not the type to write toxic-positive things as well. It is my web journal afterall,expect me to be truthful with my feelings. If I'm having an awful day--I will not lie about that. Generally, I'm an optimistic person and I look forward to just *creating* stuff each day. Cooking, crafting, and drawing are activities that stimulates me. Overall, you will find a bit of everything with this page: a bit of my family tea, my artwork, pictures of food, the weather and a bunch of stuff that doesn't correlate with my site's aesthetics.

To those who've been following my blog post: You are awesome and if I could, *here's a cookie*.

div angel

Listening to Relaxing Jazz

hot weather

I am hella done with the three digits- degree temperature weather, I believe we broke the record of having the hottest day in history for this city. Most locals are used to mild temperature; having to experience abrupt heat can be dangerous. I'm usually a wuss when it comes to 85 days, but at this point, I'll take the 85 over the 112 degree Fahrenheit. Tomorrow should be our last super-hot day, by Wednesday, it will be 83 degrees.

This past week, our refrigerator broke .... we had to throw some of our groceries out T___T. Bern ended up getting a mini fridge (for  temporary use) to store some of our foods. His uncle, who repairs refrigerators for a living, came over to diagnose our fridge;  it turns out that we had a leakage. He was able to have it running for another day until the coolness  stopped  circulating once again and the freezer remained nonfunctional. Depending on Bern's uncle schedule, it will probably be a week or two until he comes over again to fully fix our refrigerator. It's a good thing that we have a mini refrigerator, because we are not paying for a week of takeouts-- they're way too costly. For now,  we will to avoid grocery shopping in bulk, we also have to avoid buying frozen foods.... otherwise they would not all fit in our mini fridge.

Also, I made a mistake of watching Incantation(2022) . Normally, I don't have strong reactions from watching most  horror films... but this one really got me (I have  to admit,  it was creatively well-done). I was raised by Buddhist grandparents (specifically Theravada), I know the film isn't even the same sect of Buddhism, a lot of things were fictional and bastardized,  but I think the familiarity of the imagery is probably what frightened me. Never again. I even warned my younger sister to never watch it but she was ahead of me and had already deterred away from checking out the film. She questioned why I even watched it in the first place, Bern asked the same thing. Let's just say that I am banned from ever watching something like that  again, just for my blood sugar's sake despite being a non-believer. I ended up watching one of Vinesauce's reactions with archived public tv vids and some 80s/90s Halloween commercial to cleanse the dark images from my mind. I'm okay with campy horror, John Carpenter, creature features, & gothic horror. But I'm a baby when it comes to paranormal folk-horror.

If you've been following my blog enough, for protective health reasons, I haven't been able to consistently interact with most of our friends in a physical form. With a combination of having Bern's relatives and one friend over really took my social battery out...that was expected, slept for hours this morning. I have no regrets because they were all pretty pleasant to interact with, especially with our friend(let's all him Dragon) who came over to play video games. We mostly talked about the weather, Nintendo games, Totaka Kozumi, card games, apartment prices, art/ animation industry & their (Bern's & Dragon's) other colleagues from their art college. I'm glad that Dragon came over to hang  out with us because I know Bern values his friendship and does his best to keep in touch with them. 

To get in the mood for Spooky Szn, I started my Spooktober drawings by using my own prompt. I'm in the slow process of writing characters in my head. Anyways, feel free to roam around in my cara app.

Below, I made a list of my Spooktober prompt...I don't have much of a following,  but feel free to participate! They're basically just going to be pretty monsters, hence the title "Alluring Spooktober". I love drawing mostly buxom bunny and kitty women, but I want to go out of my comfort zone and draw some beautiful critter men too.  So far, here's my attempt on Alucard:

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