Summer Photos

from 2011-2019

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These photos were might my highlights from Summer 2011- Just a summer of music festivals.


After a few years, I found some new groups of friends (mostly Bern's friends). BBQ hangouts, hiking, & outdoor picnics were things I looked forward to. The only downside is, there's not much to do if you work late hours and on weekends while living in a small town.


When it gets super hot, we would drive to SF just to get some cool breeze.

There's a time when this city-town hosted some years of Steampunk Events and it was interesting! I don't think this is a thing anymore since these railroad tracks are no longer abandoned (which is a good thing, public transport is great) but it was fun seeing how these old tracks were utilized for these events.



Attended Symphony of the Goddesses and collected a bunch of Street Passes on the 3DS.


I don't have much summer pictures to share for these years, I've been busy and played with PokemonGo!


Moved out from the Wine Country to live in the largest city in the state; Bern and I finally got settled in our new place together.