About the Webmistress
Personality Type
Personality Resemblances- Fictional Characters
Places I'd Like to Visit
Favorite Media
Music Playlists
About the webcreator
Thank you for browsing my page! ^^ I go by Harley, Cherry, or Bunnie. I'm an artist maintaing to stay productive within my health needs. As someone who is cursed with a handful of hobbies, thankfully, I can never be bored. I do a teensy bit of freelance on the side, however, I'm basicaly just a SAHG (hopefully not too long) with a supportive significant other, Bern. We're not legally married yet, just a couple who has been together for a long time. The only time I refer to Bern as my husband if I am conversing with an elderly relative who may not understand the concept of an adult couples living together before signed marriage. Spiritually, I would say we're like a married couple. You'll find that I'll mention his name a lot in my blog.
My site doesn't adhere to a strict content. My writings are beyond ribbons and scented lipstick; it's basically an organized mess, it would be pointless to not have a bit of my goblin side on Neocities. The refined stuff can be found on Bluesky/ Cara. My blog for the most part is made up of reactions, reflections and moodboards- they can be irrational, they're not meant to educate. They're just records. My slow-paced social media. I treat my Neocities as I would on a sketchbook/ journal.
I based a lot of my personality vibes and wonder from Huell Howser, the host for California's Gold. My life isn't exciting nor thrilling, but I'm the kind of person who finds joy in the simplest things. For instance, I love doing scavenger hunts for hole-in-wall diners and hunting for googie architecture signs...things like these amuses me. I love it when I stumble upon a neighborhood with Midcentury Modern designs. I enjoy getting lost in little corners of metropolitan places that consists of quaint shops. My auspicious activities are my band-aids to this thorny world. Art, music, food, fashion, & community are all the things I value in life. Unlike, Huell Howser I'm not thaaaat charming when it comes to human interactions nor do I have a strong TV personality like him.

Personality Type
I think Myers-Briggs Type Indicator & Astrology can be fun but just not to the extent of putting individuals in tight boxes & rejecting them for being born on the wrong date and such. Or I find it questionable for an employer to use MBTI for a job interview. I do recognize that MBTI is psuedo-science. Anyway, here are my responses:INFP- Extroverted introvert (not to confuse this with ambivert), which tends to be common with INFPs because intuitive feeling makes up for the extraversion. Heavy on the daydreaming, creativeness, flexibility, and imaginative. When Bern first met me, he was able to type me write off the bat as INFP. I think they can be a fun tool to understanding oneself, but I find that the MBTI community can get a bit cliquey when it comes to identities... or having a bit of holier than thou with the typing. Also becareful with testing your MBTI, some sites are linked to a gigantic cult religion (I'm not going to say which).
Capricorn- I don't think my personality reflects the textbook description of Capricorn. I like to keep track of my friends' Greek horoscope because it helps me remember their birthdays and symbols. I think the symbols in particular are interesting when it comes to mapping out Greek history; I like looking at the artwork of zodiacs. I'm curious about the missing 13th sign! I'm quite jealous of those with Mermaid, Sheep, & Bow-Arrow with their signs.
The Year of the Hare- I appreciate that I can identify with my favorite animal, however, I don't take zodiacs based on birthyear too seriously either. People from one highschool class year aren't anything alike with the shared animal zodiac. I think the matching making process is just outdated. I prefer to be with someone within my age range.

4w5- I think I can kind of get behind this description, but I guess it's broad enough to describe one's personality with an ennegram.
From many accounts through friends & family I've been told that I am usually quiet in big gatherings. I'm the cousin who tends to hang out with the family's pet...sometimes if I'm in the corner, I just eavesdrop & observe... only just to vibe!

I don't believe I am anyone unique or special. Just simply a gal who prioritizes the need to maintain a roof over the head, go to bed with a full stomach, bypass any future health complications, have a flexible career, & be able to find time for hangout with friends. Having a bit of hearth time to myself for creativity is also vital. I'm sure a lot of people feel simalarly. Bear in mind that I have no qualms with those who are into astrology/ personality tests-- just as long as it doesn't become a tool to isolate others.

Personality Resemblances- Fictional Characters

Amelie, Nico Robin, Adult Anne Gables, Tony Tony Chopper, Serena from DragonQuest, Hibari, Bobby Hill, Hazel from Seconds, Baby 5, & Lisa Simpson
If I were to be an Animal Crossing NPC villager, I would likely fall under the "Normal" type.

- Dead Malls
- The smell of cinnamon, vanilla and oranges
- Homely solace
- Bird watching
- Spacing out
- Experimenting with baking & cooking
- Scavenger hunt with Googie & Mid Century modern architectural buildings
- Building toy sets

- Improved/ more accessable public transportation all over the States. Above and beyond Greyhound & Amtrak.
- Own a modest home with a tiny garden
- Eliminate poverty
- A solar punk world like in the movie HER or in Star Trek Federation worlds
- Hoping for the pandemic to truly end so I can support more local businesses by dining in or shopping by

Places I'd like to Visit
- Beijing
- Dublin
- Hanoi
- Seattle (I feel like this should be do-able)
- Shanghai
- Xi' ian
- Edinburgh

Enjoyable Films & TV

- A variety of films. Hammer horror, Boots Riley, David Lynch, Guillermo del Toro, Ingmar Bergman, Michel Gondry, Akira Kurosawa, John Carpenter, Francis Ford Coppola & Wong Kar Wai. Eye-candy gothic romance thrillers, dreamy auteur images, & blockbuster holiday classics.
- One Piece anime
- Star Trek TNG/ DS9/ The Voyager
- Cozy video games, Jrpgs, & indie stuff: (Animal Crossing, Dragon Quest, Earthbound, Night In The Woods...)
- Vinesauce's Streams: Simpsons references & Public TV archives
- Currently watching: Abott's Elementary, Dungeon Meshi, Dandadan, One Piece

Music Playlists
My music has been pretty repetitive more or less. I enjoy sounds that I can concentrate to. Here are my playlists:
Mall SoftArtzie Music Playlist A combination of city pop, future funk, & vaporwave
I'm A Cyborg but that's ok Dreamy sounds: Mac DeMarco, Mazzy Star
Zora's Domain Ambiance, Prince Sidon, relaxing watery sounds
Katamari Damacy OST Super colorful, upbeat, 90s jazz vibes
Botanic Sage's music mashup A combination of Nintendo games & hip hop mash up

Profile Pic Art & Background were made by me
The rest of the graphics are from tumblr & the old web (glitter graphics)